Friday, March 4, 2011

Still Alive (and Writing)

Gah... it's been a tough week for ideas. I usually try to post these "process posts" by Wednesday or Thursday, but this week, I was having a lot of trouble coming up with an idea. I went fishing for ideas, asking my parents and the people at my Ceramics table and friends in other classes... and I still couldn't find an idea I liked. Eventually, a suitable idea came to me as I was falling asleep. It wasn't very fleshed out but I knew I could make something of it. This was it - setting: bachelorette party. Event: the cops come.

It took me a while to figure out just what I was going to do with that idea. By now, I think I've got a fairly good plotline. I was going to write a kind of mystery story, but it's turning out to be more like romance. Ah, that's life, what can I say. ;)

So... for the usual details... genre romance/mystery, there's a bachelorette party involved, and the police. It should be a pretty light-hearted piece, but we'll see. :)

Also, a quick note on Wordle - thanks for the advice! I think I'll start doing it every fifth story or perhaps every month. (We're into my second month now!) So this week's story, you'll see the first Wordle!

1 comment:

  1. So neat to glimpse into the writer's mind and see the creative process at work! I appreciate your updates.
