Gah... it's been a tough week for ideas. I usually try to post these "process posts" by Wednesday or Thursday, but this week, I was having a lot of trouble coming up with an idea. I went fishing for ideas, asking my parents and the people at my Ceramics table and friends in other classes... and I still couldn't find an idea I liked. Eventually, a suitable idea came to me as I was falling asleep. It wasn't very fleshed out but I knew I could make something of it. This was it - setting: bachelorette party. Event: the cops come.
It took me a while to figure out just what I was going to do with that idea. By now, I think I've got a fairly good plotline. I was going to write a kind of mystery story, but it's turning out to be more like romance. Ah, that's life, what can I say. ;)
So... for the usual details... genre romance/mystery, there's a bachelorette party involved, and the police. It should be a pretty light-hearted piece, but we'll see. :)
Also, a quick note on Wordle - thanks for the advice! I think I'll start doing it every fifth story or perhaps every month. (We're into my second month now!) So this week's story, you'll see the first Wordle!
So neat to glimpse into the writer's mind and see the creative process at work! I appreciate your updates.